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Lodging for the CHECK is now open.

Our hotel partners have extended the room block discounts.  Room blocks will be released after the date listed by the hotel and you will have to pay regular price or seek lodging on your own.​

Lodging for Conference Attendees

What should I do if there are no longer any hotel rooms available or I miss the deadline?

If you find that a hotel no longer has rooms available with the CHECK room block, there may still be a possibility to stay there, as we reserved a subset of rooms at a few different hotels. There are additional hotels and options for lodging in Manhattan. Remember that some hotels have discounted rates for public employees, sometimes called the "government rate."


Hotel proximity to CBA building and conference:

Bluemont:  (within walking distance of CBA - near Aggieville)- directly across the street from CBA parking 


Marriot:  (within walking distance - near Aggieville ) - Across the street south from the Bluemont


Holiday Inn: (Within one block of campus - two blocks from Aggieville) Across the street from KSU parking garage and adjacent to Alumni center across the street


Four Points Sheraton: - On the edge of town, approximately 2 miles from campus/conference

This is a highly rated new hotel conveniently located directly across the street from the K-state campus and the College of Business Building.  Parking is free at hotel.
1212 Bluemont Ave., Manhattan KS. 66502.


40 room block at $106.00 per night. May 14 - May 16 options.
Reference: CHECK Conference



Sold Out



This is a highly rated new hotel conveniently located directly across the street from the K-state campus near the Alumni center.  Parking is free at hotel.
1641 Anderson Avenue, Manhattan KS. 66502.


40 room block at $105.99 per night. May 14 - May 16 options.
Reference: CHECK Conference




Extended to 4/28

This is a highly rated new hotel conveniently located directly across the street from the K-state campus and is just outside Aggieville.  Parking is free at hotel.
715 N. 12th St, Manhattan, KS 66502


May 14 - 5 room blocks
May 15 - 20 room blocks
May 16 - 20 room blocks
Rate: $119.00 per night 
Reference: CHECK Conference


Sold Out

This is a highly rated hotel located at the edge of Manhattan.  Located 1.71 miles from campus.  parking is free at the hotel.
530 Richards Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66502


40 room blocks at $119.00 per night. May 14-15, 2024.
Reference: CHECK Conference




Extended to 4/29



Getting Around

Manhattan is a great city with many different options for lodging. Due to this, we are not planning to provide shuttle services to and from hotels. We will provide more directions and tips for getting around Manhattan closer to the conference. In addition, taxi service including Uber and Lyft are available.

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